Cloud computing tools became de facto choices due to the digital transformation shift and working remotely during the pandemic. Cloud Computing is software, applications, and platforms designed to help manage businesses, store, and process data over the Internet.
It offer various benefits to businesses and individuals, including cost savings, Flexibility, and the ability to work remotely from anywhere in the world. Cloud tools also ensure data security by protecting, securing, and allowing for the recovery of lost or breached data, Enhancing team collaboration, etc.
Cloud computing will continue to increase in 2025 as businesses increasingly take benefit of the cost savings and services supplied by cloud vendors.
Let’s take a look at some of the best cloud computing tools of 2025 as given below.
AWS Cloud Formation

It is an IAC ( Infrastructure as Code ) Service that allows you to create and manage AWS resources. Before, we followed a process where we manually performed tasks on the AWS console. For example, if we were required to create an EC2 instance, we would click on “Launch Instance,” and then we would provide all the details manually, such as which image to use, the name, instance type, storage, and many other settings. By using Infrastructure as Code, this process becomes automated, scalable, and more secure, significantly improving AWS Cloud Security by reducing human errors and enabling consistent configuration management.
In this process, if, for example, we need to make changes to the security group, it would involve a lot of manual work. But if we want to automate the same task, using code becomes much more valuable.
CloudFormation helps us with this, and for that, we create a file called a template. So, when you create CloudFormation, you create a UI, and you design the UI based on the template. The template will be shown to you in JSON format. The code in this template will be in either JSON or YAML format, and it follows a declarative approach.
Amazon provides multiple resources that we use in our applications, and we use these different components to deploy our applications. These resources support the application based on our needs, and they are provided for subscription.
So, by using the CloudFormation service, we can deploy the entire structure. The second advantage is that the manageability time will be reduced because you won’t have to manually deploy everything. CloudFormation will handle the deployment for you. You just need to provide the properties and define their values properly, and CloudFormation will take care of the rest.
Microsoft Azure

There is a place where no money is required, and that place is Microsoft Azure. Microsoft Azure provides a space where we can deploy our website free of cost. Not only can we publish our website, but Azure also offers tools that help us customize our website and give it a better look.”
Basically, Azure is a cloud platform that offers over 200+ products and tools in software, which help you with solutions for specific applications. It’s powerful and capable, allowing you to create features and work on different tasks.
Microsoft Azure was originally known as Windows Azure, and it is a product of Microsoft, offering Public Cloud Computing services.
Microsoft Azure provides us with various services. If we need networking, Microsoft Azure has that. If we need analytics services, Microsoft Azure has that too. It provides access to all these services. We can say that Microsoft Azure offers a Platform as a Service (PaaS). PaaS means that developers can use the platform to build, deploy, and manage applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.”
If we talk about Windows Azure, what it does is provide an operating system. An operating system, meaning it provides an environment in which a developer can create, build, and host their website or application. Now, what could Azure App Fabric be used for, based on its name?”
Because the developer will use Windows Azure to develop their applications, the tools that are provided are through Azure App Fabric.
Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

When we talk about the Google Cloud platform we also need to know what cloud computing so cloud computing is the use of hardware and software components to deliver a service to a network. Users can access these files, applications, and services provided by a cloud provider from any device that has access to the internet.
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a group of cloud computing services provided by Google that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses for its end-user products like YouTube, Gmail, and even Google Search. It also plays a crucial role in Google Cloud Migration, enabling businesses to transition their workloads, applications, and data to GCP efficiently.
GCP Started its journey as Paas ( Platform as a Server) while others prefer laas ( Infrastructure as a server)
The various services offered by Google Cloud Platform include different options for computing requirements. In computing, you have several different options available, such as machines that are compute-optimized, memory-optimized, and storage-optimized
- It is Trust and secure
- It is an open cloud platform
- It also provides Global Network easily
- It is AI Driven
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Oracle Cloud is one of the newer players in the field, starting at the end of 2016. There are two different groups of clouds right now. There are the industry leaders and the niche players.
Amazon web services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud are the industry leaders whereas Ali Baba, Oracle, IBM, and Tencent find themselves in the niche player section. Although Oracle is currently listed as a niche player, they have the customer base and the desire to grow into an industry leader like the big three.
Oracle has a reliable infrastructure that is backed by a very thorough end-to-end SLA that covers, performance availability and manageability of services. It especially excels at migrations and support of hybrid environments. Oracle designed their cloud environment with one of their primary targets being their existing user base. That user base is almost exclusively on-premises.
Oracle Cloud: Tailored for Existing On-Premises Users
Oracle has designed many helpful features for users to migrate into the cloud. They also have a very robust support model for hybrid environments as well. While Oracle is growing at a tremendous rate, its biggest weakness at this stage is once you step outside of that core use case and into the lower-end offerings or more edge cases, the features don’t match up well against larger competitors like Microsoft or Amazon.
The first is Zoom. Zoom is a massively popular platform for online meetings. One of the main reasons Zoom chose Oracle over other cloud providers is because of price.Zoom has hundreds of thousands of terabytes of traffic flowing through the cloud every month and Oracle Cloud costs very less for data transfer pricing.
Oracle is an excellent choice over other cloud providers due to their competitive price offering. Our second use case is Oracle database users. You will find that Oracle has made their cloud with this use case in mind, from pricing to support the database options to hybrid And on-prem, there’s a ton of things to like about Oracle cloud or existing work or users.
So now that we’ve dived into Oracle, the strengths, weaknesses, and ideal users, let’s take a minute to summarize and take a look at this from one more angle. Oracle has targeted large-scale database users with high traffic and storage requirements and their existing customers as perfect targets for Oracle Cloud. Oracle is growing in leaps and bounds in their offerings and base on their partnership with Microsoft and an almost doubling of cloud regions in 2020, this is a trend that’s expect to continue.
IBM Cloud
IBM Cloud is a set of cloud computing services for businesses offered by the information technology company.
The Two main divisions of IBM global business services are:
- Provides management and strategy consulting system integration and application management services.
- Provides services related to infrastructure and cloud.
IBM Cloud started when IBM began to develop a strategy for cloud computing in 2007 announcing that it planned to build clouds for enterprise clients and provide services. In June 2013 IBM announced its acquisition of SoftLayer which is a public cloud computing platform that offers a range of services.
IBM’s smart cloud brand includes infrastructure as a service software as a service and platform as a service which is offere through public-private and hybrid cloud delivery models.
IBM places its cloud offerings under three main areas: Smart Cloud Foundation, Smart Cloud Services, and Smart Cloud Solutions. IBM provides various cloud delivery options, including private cloud and public cloud solutions. It allows organizations to build a customized cloud environment by combining public cloud and private cloud elements. This flexibility enables companies that prefer to keep all data and processes behind their firewall to use private cloud services managed by their IT staff.
Alternatively, if a company opts for public cloud services, it can choose a pay-as-you-go pricing model and utilize IBM’s public cloud offerings. The hybrid cloud model is also available, allowing some processes to be host and manage by IBM while others remain on a private cloud. Notable customers of IBM include Huntington National Bank, among others.

It’s the largest, most complete development platform in the world. Millions of developers use it. And it’s not just developers. These days, every company is a software company. GitHub is an enterprise-transforming, startup-launching, community-driven, super secure, open-source-championing cloud-based platform. GitHub is a hosting platform where you can collaborate with others on your Git repositories.
In conclusion, cloud computing tools have revolutionized the way businesses and individuals manage and access technology resources. These tools offer adaptable, scalable, and cost-efficient solutions for a broad range of applications, from infrastructure management to software services. DigiTrendMarketing offers cutting-edge cloud computing services designed to enhance business operations through scalable, secure, and cost-effective solutions.